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Creating Heaven on Earth

Sharing Tools to Heal your Life

Most of us are on an accelerated path and need high level tools to create balance and harmony to FUEL our visions. Working with me and my Spiritual Team can not only give you that quantum boost but also provide much needed information.  More below.

Earth Alert

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Soul Mission

I have lived on soul purpose since my first soul exited and a walk-in came in at age 27. Everything changed and has continued to change since then. My life is Spirit guided and directed and my teams are high level galactics.  This lifetime brings forth Arcturian, Pleadian and Lyran lives. I work with our Higher Dimensional selves,  Spirit, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, The Order of the Roses, The White Dragons, Mantis Beings, and numerous other Star Families to bring about "clearings". these clearing sessions are unique to you and your soul's blueprint and Source Love- Light Guided. 


I started doing energy work in 2004 and have since expanded my knowledge and abilities to support star seeds in a very specific manner. I've been guided to up level star seeds in the following order (almost always for everyone and still allow room to customize the work).


Sequential Clearing and Healing

Every soul comes in with Master Programs in order to learn, grow and evolve. Accumulated energies from other lifetimes is cleared so that the soul can actually live their current purpose, unencumbered by karmic baggage from other lifetimes.


Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a unique (off-planet) modaility that is very specific, powerful and efficient. This is a unique and thorough clearing of your Akash, in case you think you've already  had them cleared. Most likely not. Usually takes one hour.

SpR or Spiritual Restructuring

Usually when a soul's programs are cleared, Spirit will automatically clear organs and glands. The Universe is a crystalline structure and restructuring a person is important and can only be completed when the soul is cleared to the leading edge of consciousness. Faulty  base operating statements and beliefs in the mental, physical, and emotional bodies are replaced with positive one. SpR tests for and corrects imbalances in the body and can provide complete and total renewal of the whole person.

The Craniosacral Therapy that I do is Quantum and Shamanic in origin. This means the work can be performed remotely, if you're not in Austin, creating a hologram of your soul blueprint where  your energetic body is scanned for restrictions, tension patterns, energetic limitations and other injuries from other lifetimes. This work occurs virtual and or in person. Usually one hour. 

AKA Dua is Atlantean energy that was known as "the power". It consists of 3 celestial frequencies and 3 earthly frequencies. It was used by the Egyptian and Toltec culture.  It was then hidden for hundreds of thousands of years but was released in 2007 to assist with humanity's Ascension process. 

You will not find much online and I have the one book on it that is useless. Experience is the best teacher as it an Intelligence that becomes one with you.

FREE Sample Clearing Sessions on You Tube

Starlight Wellness - 9999hz

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M. Levin - TX

"My life has been profoundly changed for the better. Her multiple powerful healing modalities have helped me release trauma, clear old patterns, and experience more ease and well-being in my body and soothe and strengthen my spirit. She is truly a gifted agent of transformation and healing. "
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