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  • Writer's pictureSaharah

Energetic and Psychic Shielding

In all honesty, I hesitate to offer guidance on shielding because in my line of energy work, it’s much more complicated than a white light bubble over an aura. There are numerous methods to shield and even more reasons for them to NOT HOLD.

When it comes to shielding, there are various factors to consider:

  • Shields are more likely to hold in a high vibrational state of love, appreciation, and gratitude.

  • If unresolved energies from past experiences are not cleared, shields may not hold effectively.

  • Uncleared ancestral karma may contribute to unstable shields.

  • Emotional stability, strong boundaries, and self-awareness contribute to sustainable shielding.

  • Practicing forgiveness, maintaining neutrality, and transmuting ancestral karma can strengthen shields.

  • Regular energetic hygiene practices and self-healing are crucial for effective shielding.

  • Shielding methods vary for each individual and require exploration, trust, and ongoing practice.

My best advice to you, is to experiment with shielding. Do some research and see what has worked for others and try it for yourself. Learn about auras and human biofields. Practice neutrality. Get a clearing session. See a therapist to resolve trauma. Let go and trust love.

I also encourage you to develop a daily clearing process to clear your field before considering enveloping yourself in a “shield”. Imagine you can shower yourself with the violet flame or gold and white light. Try different sacred symbols and colors. If and when you do feel energetic unsavory; ask for and create a field of love around yourself that expands out to expunge and release the day, people and experiences.

Disconnect from devices and the internet often. Ground in nature as much as possible. If these don’t work, there’s probably some energies to clear and transmute. Reach out for a session and...

Remember, shielding is a personal journey that evolves over time and may require consistent effort and adaptation. Experiment with different techniques, seek guidance, and trust your intuition to find what works best for you.

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